Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Christmas 2018 - The Year of the Zipper Pouch

This past Christmas could be called the Year of the Pouch.  I chose to make zip pouches for all the small gifts that pop up around the holidays.  I love them because they are both fun to make and because they are useful.  A person can never have too many zip pouches hanging around....

So, first I made a batch of five large ones for the females in my family.  We didn't do a gift exchange, per se, but I gifted each of my sisters/sisters-in-law/mom a cosmetic pouch with a locally made bar of soap inside.  I used up fabrics I had on hand and nice sturdy metal zippers.  Not great pictures, but you get the general idea.

Then we had three teacher gifts.   I'm so thankful for the three ladies that watch Hannah while I'm in bible study each week so they each got a mini-pouch with some candy and a mini candle inside.  The last pictures shows the size/scale of the two pouches.  Whereas the larger one is a full size cosmetic bag (big enough to hold a hairbrush), the smaller one is just perfect for corralling small things inside a larger purse/bag.  

Then I tried a fold over clutch for another gift exchange.  I love love love the plaid and leather and hardware combo on this one.  The overall design needs a few tweaks but its a good start. 

Next up, we had a secret santa at school... a purple zip pouch with the girl's initial on it, filled with cool gel pens and fancy paper.   In this case, my ability to sew and my closet of fabric allowed me to stay home on a blustery night and sew for an hour rather than run out shopping for a last minute gift.   A win-win in my book.  ;) 

Then I made two of Anna Graham's minimalist wallets for my niece and nephew.  They only wanted money so I gave them money.... in a wallet.  And my niece is learning to drive so she got a matching key fob.  I've made these wallets before and they're fast and fun.  

I'm planning to make pouches to sell over the summer so all these gifts were also a chance to test out sizes, streamline methods of construction, different interfacings, metal zippers, and the like.   If my selling pans out I have many more pouches in my future and I'm looking forward to it! 

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