Welcome to Anne's sewing blog!

I started this blog in 2012 in an attempt to keep better track of all the little things I make. I have found it fun to 'catalog' what I make so I'll continue to post my finished projects as they appear.

Its mostly for my personal use, but also gives me a way to share cute stuff with my craft-oriented friends and family. Enjoy!

Monday, August 13, 2012

VBS Craft Craziness

I have not been working on ANY sewing project for a solid month or so and here is why!  Last week was our church's vacation bible school program.  I was in charge of crafts for 200 kids for five days.  Very exhausting.  Since it took up all my free time (that would have otherwise been spent sewing), I thought I might as well show them off!

Day 1 - The theme was about looking at God's creation so we took empty toilet paper tubes and turned them into binoculars.  Actually, my friends and I hot glued the binoculars all together ahead of time and the kids just decorated them and added the string.

Day 2 - The theme was about baptism and how Jesus washes our sins away and makes us clean.  Stamping on washcloths with acrylic paint.  Stamps cut from kitchen sponges.  I wrote the words on the washcloths ahead of time.  

Day 3 - The theme was about following God's directions and walking in His ways.  We made a tile keepsake.  Tiles are from the Habitat ReStore (45 cents each!).  I originally planned on painting the bottom of the kids' feet and stamping it onto the tile.  However, that day was rainy so we couldn't do it outside.  Not wanting to tackle painted feet in the church fellowship hall (!)  I adapted it at the last minute to be making a foot shape with your hand.  You make a fist, paint the pinky side of your fist from your pinky down to your wrist, stamp that on the tile, and then dip your finger in paint to make five little toes.  Looks amazingly like a foot!  I sprayed them with acrylic sealer when the kids were done. (Side note: spraying 150 tiles will give you a cramp in your upper arm for three days - who would have thought that pushing down the button on an aerosol can could give you a sore arm!)  

This one is Leah's hand/foot that she made at VBS.  
Some of the older kid's looked a little better but you get the idea.  

And here is my prototype craft of the actual foot.  (Apparently we have such high arches that there is 'air' between the heel and the ball of the foot.  Leah's were the same way.)  

Day 4 - The theme was Jesus being living water.  Thanks to a Milwaukee Brewers jersey cozy for the idea/shape.  These are the tiny little water bottles, 8 oz maybe.  Made from craft foam and stapled on the 'side seams'.  

Day 5 - The theme of the whole week was 'Walking with the Spirit' and Gal 5:25 was the theme verse.  Friday's craft was meant to be super simple because I knew we'd all be exhausted by then.  I printed the bookmarks and had them laminated ahead of time.  The kids just had to punch a hole and string the beads.  

And that, my friends, is that!  

It all went smoothly. The adults and kids alike seemed to like the crafts.  I'm glad its over and I can have a bit of free time back!  

I am taking a week or so to organize some stuff in the sewing room due to some new custom shelving (more on that later) and then I'll be MORE THAN READY to start working on a fun quilt.  
Happy crafting.