My last post was at the end of August - about seven weeks ago. I have sewn SO much in the last seven weeks that it is definitely time to catch up and blog a few things.
Most of my sewing in September was at work in the costume shop. I made a dress and eight pair of pants for the musical ''Oklahoma!''. Fun - and a great part time job - but pants aren't really all that exciting to sew. Especially when you finish sewing them and they are immediately spray painted and scuffed up so that they look old and worn and dirty on stage. :( I understand why its done, but its still painful to watch...
On top of the costume shop sewing, I'm working on a quilt and I made myself a dress and Grace a dress for a wedding last weekend. I don't have pictures of those yet so those projects will have to wait.
So... I'll share the fun things I made this week! We have a new baby second-cousin on the way in the late half of October and the mom-to-be asked me for a few things. This is baby number four for them so I told her I'd make her anything she needed/wanted that would be helpful when you already have most of the baby essentials and you're way beyond the 'adorable but useless' phase of parenting. :) She wanted extra large receiving blankets and a few 'wet bags' for cloth diapering. I said, "Yes ma'am, coming right up!"
These are the wet bags. Aren't they cute?
I made one small and one large.
One for pee diapers and one for major blowouts involving clothes. (Wink.)
I'm kidding, I just wasn't sure what size would be most useful so I made two.
They are made of PUL, a funny fabric designed for cloth diapers that is a bit plasticky and waterproof. The whole idea of a wet bag is that you put the wet/dirty diapers in it to keep them contained and keep them from leaking all over the rest of your diaper bag/car/stroller/etc. The bags are self-lined in PUL so I'm hoping two layers will do a good job of containing the mess.
You start with a pretty standard boxed tote shape - self lined, as I said.
Then add the hardware to make the closure.
I used
this tutorial (scroll down within the book review post) from my favorite blogger for the general idea.
Here is what they look like flat.
To use it, you put your stink inside.
(I took this picture just to show the lining, but it works for 'putting the stink inside' as well!)
Fold over the top of the bag.
Fold it again.
And again. You're kind of rolling the bag down.
Then put down your camera so you can use two hands to bring the clips together and close them.
Ta da!
Bag all sealed, held closed by the clips, which then also form a handy little handle to either carry it or attach it to something. I could totally see clipping the stink-filled bag to the outside of your diaper bag/stroller/etc. rather than keeping it inside, couldn't you?!
I hope they work well - they sure are fun and reasonably quick to make!
Happy Baby Number 4 You-Know-Who!