Welcome to Anne's sewing blog!

I started this blog in 2012 in an attempt to keep better track of all the little things I make. I have found it fun to 'catalog' what I make so I'll continue to post my finished projects as they appear.

Its mostly for my personal use, but also gives me a way to share cute stuff with my craft-oriented friends and family. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Colorful Crochet Shawl

I puttered around on a crochet project during January and February when I was putting in a bunch of hours at the costume shop.  After sewing all day I rarely felt like sewing at night, so crochet was a good change of pace.

This was definitely a 'process' project rather than a 'product' project and I knew that going in.  I undertook this shawl with two goals in mind.

1.  To try to read a chart/follow a pattern.   I have never read a chart before and, to be honest, hardly ever followed a pattern before.  I'm a self taught newbie crocheter and have done mostly rectangles (scarves) and the occasional circle (hat).  The chart was pretty simple looking so I thought I'd take a whack at it.

2.  Try 'skinny yarn'.  This was wool sock yarn that I received for free and is the thinnest yarn I've worked with to date.  I still have SO much to learn about yarn fibers, labels, styles, etc.

I am intrigued by shawls and this one seemed like a good beginner project.

Its from this book which I received as a Christmas gift.

And here is my finished shawl, while it was laid out for a light blocking.

Both goals were met - I followed the chart (much easier than I thought it would be after one false start) and enjoyed the yarn.  I like the shawl overall.  Its only downfall is that its not really my colors.  As I said, I got the yarn for free and it was an experiment so I'm okay with it.  Leah has worn it twice so far and I'm happy to let her wear it.  It was a fun experimental learning project for me.   If I make it again I'll definitely do a solid neutral color.  This free yarn was variegated with very long repeats so the shawl turned out almost striped.   It was pretty amazing how the color-swapping turned out - it was almost always turning colors at the end of a row so as to make the following row a new color.

I do like the lacy look of it.  Its pretty, though it definitely falls in the 'decoration' category rather than the 'keep you warm' category.

Here are a few photos of Leah wearing it.  Definitely more her colors - a multicolored shawl over an electric blue dress with a lime green undershirt peeking out!  Yikes.

 Its supposed to close with that flower on a clip.  I've made the flower but don't have a clip to sew it to, hence the long strand of yarn hanging there.  Once I buy a clip that will finish the closure.  I can't decide if I'm sold on the overall shape of the shawl - I'll have to wear it to see how it lays better.    If I get some photos of it on an adult I'll update the post with those pictures for comparison.

Overall the project was enjoyable.  I found it relaxing to work on and it was fun to watch the circular shape grow in a lacy open manner.  I'm not sure what my next crochet project will be but I'm hoping another garment - something I can putter on for a while without a deadline.

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