Welcome to Anne's sewing blog!

I started this blog in 2012 in an attempt to keep better track of all the little things I make. I have found it fun to 'catalog' what I make so I'll continue to post my finished projects as they appear.

Its mostly for my personal use, but also gives me a way to share cute stuff with my craft-oriented friends and family. Enjoy!

Monday, September 16, 2013

What?! Crochet?

The girls and I got bitten by a crochet bug a few weeks ago.  The girls stumbled upon my inherited crochet hooks in a drawer and asked what they were for.  I told them it was similar to knitting, found a video tutorial on the internet, and showed them how to do the starting chain stitch.  I figured the interest would last about ten minutes.  Boy, was I wrong!  Both girls got the hang of the chain stitch quickly, and were SO enthralled with how they could make a long chain in a matter of minutes that it became an obsession.  They each rummaged around and found a basket to hold their hooks and yarn.  I'd find them around the house, sitting on the couch or curled up in corners with their workbaskets, making looooooooong chains.  First everyone in the family got necklaces, then they moved on to their stuffed animals, and then they just made chains for fun.  Scraps of yarn were everywhere...

I started teaching Leah the single crochet stitch after a day or two.  She found that quite difficult and thats about where her interest waned.  I, however, kept practicing the single crochet, got the hang of it quickly, and started messing about with swatches.  Before I knew it the stitches were pretty even and nice looking.  A few days later I had this lovely scarf to show for it.

I have found the repetitive motion of crochet to be slightly addicting.  Once my scarf was half-way made the girls gave me their puppy-eyed look and then came the inevitable, "Mommy, will you make one for me too?"  I have Leah's done and will be starting Grace's soon.

Who knows where this little jaunt into crochet will lead.  Its not like I don't have enough sewing to keep me busy!  Its been a fun diversion, though, and gives me something to do to keep my hands busy in the evening while watching Masterpiece Mystery.  Keith also likes it because his grandmother did lots of crochet so he likes seeing me sit there with a hook and yarn.

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