Welcome to Anne's sewing blog!

I started this blog in 2012 in an attempt to keep better track of all the little things I make. I have found it fun to 'catalog' what I make so I'll continue to post my finished projects as they appear.

Its mostly for my personal use, but also gives me a way to share cute stuff with my craft-oriented friends and family. Enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Another adult swimsuit

I just finished a modest swimdress for a friend at church.  After a somewhat long and frustrating search for swimwear fabric that wouldn't be considered 'matronly', the rest of the project went amazingly well.  Took the friends measurements, adapted my pattern to fit her, sewed it up in a couple of hours, and then she came for a final fitting of the bust.  The construction of the suit went smoother and nicer than anything else to date and it looked great on her!

Garage Sale FIx-er-ups

Here are a couple of things we rescued from garage sale piles, both for Leah.

Nice church dress for $2 that was a bit low cut so I added a modesty panel.  Five minute project for a dress that I'm sure will get tons of wear between the two girls.

And then a skirt that was just too cute to leave behind, but was a bit big in the waist.  Thirty seconds to sew a seam to create a casing between the skirt and the lining.  Another thirty seconds to insert elastic to fit Leah's waist.  Fifty cents for the skirt, one minute of work, and we have a cute skirt for either church or school.  Again, I'm sure it will be worn lots by both girls.  

Three cheers for being thrifty...  :)  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Apron fun

Here is a little housewarming gift I gave a week or so ago.

Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy pattern from Terry Atkinson with a little handstitched extra on the top lapel.