Welcome to Anne's sewing blog!

I started this blog in 2012 in an attempt to keep better track of all the little things I make. I have found it fun to 'catalog' what I make so I'll continue to post my finished projects as they appear.

Its mostly for my personal use, but also gives me a way to share cute stuff with my craft-oriented friends and family. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Silly Little Things and Why I Do Them...

Last night was one of the Open Sew Nights at the local quilt shop.   I don't go often, but was able to go last night.  I accomplished a goal (sewing a border on a quilt, more on that later) and then moved on to this silly little thing...

A month or so ago, six year old Leah made this dress for her beloved Dolly.  She had some help from me but did plenty of it by herself.  Its made from green velour left over from a previous year's Christmas dress with some lace scraps for 'sleeve caps'.

So, of course, Grace immediately wanted a dress for her little snuggle Meow.  

(And, yes, we know Meow is actually a dog.  Grace has always loved cats.  She refused to acknowledge the difference when she was 2 and its been Meow ever since.  Even today, she'll tell you that 'she knows he looks like a dog but he's really a cat'.)

She's been pestering me for weeks to make Meow a dress.  I kept putting her off for various reasons (Meow is pretty small thus requiring small armholes, not sure he'd actually ever wear the thing, etc).  Earlier this week I relented and promised I would take Meow to the Sewing Night and come home with a dress. 

For fabric, I used two of her favorite skirts that she has now outgrown.  It adds a nice touch (and makes up for the quick-and-dirty sewing skills).  Elastic casing neckholes, open holes for the arms - nothing fancy here at all.  But they are rather cute and she likes them.  I made two dresses and a skirt.  Probably took 45 minutes total.  

The best part, however, was the thank you card that Grace scurried off to make this morning.  She disappeared after breakfast and then reappeared with this for me:  

She said, "Hey Mom, this is me hugging you to say thanks for making Meow's dress."  

And that, my friends, is why I do silly little things like sew dresses for snuggles.  :)