Welcome to Anne's sewing blog!

I started this blog in 2012 in an attempt to keep better track of all the little things I make. I have found it fun to 'catalog' what I make so I'll continue to post my finished projects as they appear.

Its mostly for my personal use, but also gives me a way to share cute stuff with my craft-oriented friends and family. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Crayon Roll and Matchbox Car Roll

I have been plugging away at a quilt project lately.  This particular quilt has had its ups and downs and will be a good story to tell when its finished.

However, last week I needed a break from the quilt.  I needed to do something that would be fun and quick and instantly gratifying.  :)  A friend of mine mentioned a while ago that she wanted to get one of those 'crayon rolls thingys' to keep in her purse.  She'd seen them on Etsy and said something to the effect of ''I'm sure I could figure it out but don't have the time or inclination so I'll either buy them on Etsy or commission you to make them for me.''

Dangerous words to utter when I need a sewing fix.  :)

A few fat quarters of overtly kiddy fabric and a few days worth of putzing in the sewing room and here is what we have to show for it:

It came together very nicely.  My own girls use the small notebooks (3'' by 4'' or so) for drawing in church or the car so I figured something that could hold the notebook(s) and a few crayons would serve a good purpose.  

They were so easy and fun that I made a few more....

And then I remembered that the friend also mentioned a similar thing to hold matchbox cars.  (My girls would find that idea just plain silly, but she has two boys....)  After a little googling to get ideas this was created:  

I am very pleased with how this one turned out.  Cute, isn't it?  Even the non-car girls thought it was pretty cool.  The track is black felt (the rest is cotton) and the stripes on the road are a satin stitch with yellow thread.  I have a feeling this will come in very handy while those two boys are waiting for their food at a restaurant, waiting in the doctors office, etc. 

I did not tell anyone I was making these - I just showed up at the next playgroup with gifts to share all around.  Surprise homemade gifts are the most gratifying to give!  The friend who was the inspiration got the car roll and a crayon roll and then three other people got crayon rolls as well (much to the girl's relief I saved one for my purse).  

So, I got that little burst of creativity out of my system and am now refreshed and ready to go back to work on the quilt.  

One little note for next time... the slots on the crayon roll are about 1''.  Almost too big.  Two crayons fit easily in each slot.  The slots could be thinner to hold the crayons tighter and/or it might need a flap that covers the crayons before you fold it up.  We had a few crayons slide out the top when it was folded up.  

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